Afternoon Talks
Atelier Fanelsa en Centrala
20 Augustus 2022
Simone De lacobis and Malgorzata Kuciewicz (Centrala) and Niklas Fanelsa (Atelier Fanelsa) present their work and alternative approaches, as part of the MINOR program. Atelier Fanelsa investigates contemporary forms of working, living and commoning, Centrala examines the relationship between architecture and natural phenomena.
Architecture reinforces the forces of nature – it does not exist without it, because it is part of it. Gravity, light, wind or water are understood as components of architectural design. Integrated into our architectural toolbox, they co-create our projects. Simone De lacobis and Malgorzata Kuciewicz (Centrala)
For me, rural areas and urban centers cannot be separated. These are two sides of the same coin. However, I get the impression that rural areas are described and, of course, governed by urban centers. The countryside must start again to recognize its own qualities and to name them clearly - because for me it is a great space of potential. Niklas Fanelsa
Tuin de Bajonet
Bajonetstraat 161
Presentaties zijn Engelstalig
Het bezoek van Niklas Fanesla, Simone De lacobis en Malgorzata Kuciewicz is mede mogelijk gemaakt door het Adam Mickiewicz Instituut en het Internationaal bezoekersprogramma van Het Nieuwe Instituut met steun van het Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken