Urbanistas Expo #19

30 April 2024
Women’s Vision for Green Urban Spaces

Together with the Urbanistas, the versatility of public space will be explored during this evening. How do we make this space environmentally sustainable, visually appealing and safe for women? Marjolein Moeijes from Nationaal Park Rotterdam speaks about the importance of biodiversity for a liveable city and together we explore the transformative role of green public spaces – with an emphasis on the insights and influences of women.

Discover how Rotterdam’s nomination as a National Park City not only symbolizes a commitment to greener, healthier, and wilder urban spaces. More importantly, it opens the door to discussions on the unique contributions of women in urban design and planning, presenting an opportunity to drive change in this area. Additionally, this EXPO will act as a platform for generating insights that will feed into an event during Rotterdam Architecture Month 2024, further elevating the conversation on the crucial role of women shaping our cities.